I posted this earlier, but I had to change the title. Please don't mark this late, because it was complete on time.
Adumbrate- report or represent in outline
Apotheosis- to raise to a high standard
Ascetic- austere in appearance, manner, or attitude
Bauble- a showy ornament or trinket
Beguile- to charm or entice deceptively
Burgeon- to flourish or grow
Complement- to bring to perfection
Contumacious- stubbornly disobedient to authority
Curmudgeon- a person with a bad temper
Didactic- to convey information
Disingenuous- not sincere
Exculpate- to declare some one is guilty of something
Faux pas- a tactless act
Fulminate- express vehement protest
Fustian- high flown writing and speech
Hauteur- an arrogant manner
Inhibit- to prevent or prohibit
Jeremiad- a work announcing a prophecy of doom
Opportunist- one who takes advantage of opportunities
Unconscionable- not reasonable
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