circumlocution- an indirect way of saying something
ex. My nana says bless her heart when someone says something stupid
classicism-restrained Greek or Roman arts
ex. Homer liked to write in this style
cliché- an overused term or statement
ex The sun will come out tomorrow
climax- turning point
ex. During the climax in a romance novel the main character may realize they're in love
colloquialism- informal presentation of information
ex. Dayum girl you fine
comedy- a narrative that ends happily
ex. Shakespeare has written a few comedies
conflict- a prolonged struggle
ex. The conflict in Matilda was the mean principal
connotation- having a different meaning
ex. Belly button rings may have a negative connotation
contrast- marked difference
ex. A foil is created in many stories to provide contrast in the characters
denotation-dictionary definition
ex. conflict- prolonged struggle
denouement- the outcome of events
ex. The denouement of My sisters keeper is the sister dies.
dialect-regional variety of language
ex. Someone from Alabama might say "fixin to"
dialectics- tension between conflicting ideas
ex. A philosopher might argue using this
dichotomy- separation of different things
ex. there is dichotomy between republicans and democrats
diction-choice of words
ex. The authors choice of diction reflected the characters lack of education
didactic- containing a moral or a message
ex. the story with the turtle who wins the race slow and steady
dogmatic- having strong rigid opinions
ex. a nun believe god exists
elegy- mournful poem or song
ex. the poem someone might read at a funeral
epic- a long narrative poem with a hero
ex. The odyssey
epigram- a witty saying
ex. it better to love and hurt than never love at all
epitaph- writing commemorating the dead
ex. he was a great brother and father
epithet- an insult
ex. you smell
euphemism- use of a neutral phrase
ex. to say "passed gas' instead of fart
evocative- stimulating memories
ex. that smell reminds me of my grandma
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