Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vocab #8

abase-to reduce or lower
Ex. When I got caught stealing $.25 from the cash register, I was abased from my position as cashier.
abdicate- to renounce or relinquish (mainly power)
Ex. His death forced him to abdicate his position as king of the world.
abomination- greatly disliked or abhorred
Ex. Some people might consider a baby born out of wedlock an abomination.
brusque- abrupt in  manner or blunt
Ex. Her brusque honesty about my outfit hurt my feelings.
saboteur-A person who commits or practices sabotage
Ex. He was this saboteur who ultimately caused  my abasement from homecoming queen.
debauchery- excessive indulgence and sensual pleasure
Ex. Her debauchery is the reason that she has several STDs.
proliferate- to grow or produce by multiplication of parts
Ex. Once I had seen one and I knew it would proliferate into an army.
anachronism- belonging to a different time period
Ex. Suspenders are an anachronism.
nomenclature- A set or system of names and terms
Ex. I chose from a nomenclature of names, the perfect one for my child.
expurgate- to amend by removing words, to clense 
Ex. The nun expurgated me to rid me of my demons.
bellicose- inclined to fight, pugnacious
Ex. Because his father was so abusive he was much more bellicose than others of his age.
gauche- locking social grace, tactless
Ex. He was so gauche that he farted at the kitchen table.
rapacious- greedy
Ex. She was so rapacious that she refused to share her money no matter how much she got.
paradox- A self-contradictory statement or proposition
Ex. Her statement that she worked at Subway was a paradox, because everyone knew she worked at Jack-in-the-Box.
conundrum- A riddle often involving a pun, puzzle
Ex. I got myself into quite the conundrum when I ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere.
anomaly- A deviation from a common roll
Ex. When my brother was born with only nine fingers it was an anomaly.
ephemeral- lasting a very short time
Ex. Life is a ephemeral, we must take advantage of the opportunities we are given.
rancorous- full of or showing rancor
Ex. Hamlet is rancorous after finding out his uncle killed his dad.
churlish- rude
Ex. You should never be churlish to company.
precipitous- extremely deep
Ex. The ocean is very precipitous and large.

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